Sunday, 16 October 2016

Differentiating factors between Goods and Services

Differentiating factors between Goods and Services:

Degree of customer contact
Uniformity of input
Labour involvement
Less (Highly automated)
Uniformity of output
Measurement of productivity
Quality assurance

The definition of quality is regularly a quizzed topic

The most fundamental definition of a quality product is one that meets the expectations of the end user. However, it help to maximize the growth, profit of the organization.

In order to develop an appropriate definition of quality, we must consider some of the key dimensions of a quality product or service.

Dimension 1: Performance
Product/Service do what it is supposed to do, within its defined acceptances?

Performance is regularly a source of battle between customers and suppliers, particularly when deliverables are not adequately well-defined within specifications.

Performance of a product/service often influences profitability.

Dimension 2: Features
Product/Services possess all of the features stated, or required for which it wished-for?

Performance specifications not rottenly outline features in product/service. Thus, it’s important to designing product or services from performance are familiar for which it wished for.

Dimension 3: Reliability
Product consistently perform within specifications? Or how often it fail?

Reliability has a direct relationship with performance. For example, a product specification may define parameters for tolerable failure rates.

Reliability is a most important factor/dimension contributor to-wards brand image of company, and is considered a fundamental dimension of quality by customers/consumers.

Dimension 4: Conformance
Product/Service conform to the specification

It developed based on a performance, make sure of perform as specified. If it’s developed based on a design oriented, does it execute all of the features defined?

Dimension 5: Durability

Product performance/last, and under conditions.
Durability is closely related to warranty

Dimension 6: Serviceability
Product relatively easy to maintain and repair

Dimension 7: Aesthetics
The way a product looks is important to users or customer/consumer. The aesthetic properties of a product contribute to identify the company brand/image. Faults/defects in a services/product that reduce its aesthetic properties

Dimension 8: Perceived Quality
Users or Customers/Consumers do not always have complete information about a product/service attributes, measure based on comparing brands, durability, price etc.
Reputation is the primary evidence of perceived quality.

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