Monday, 31 October 2016

Types of Production Systems

There are six types of production systems:
1.      Job shop
2.      Batch production
3.      Assembly line
4.      Continuous flow
5.      Cell manufacturing
6.      Flexible manufacturing systems

Job shop

Job shop is a type of production system, it process small batches of large no. of product varieties. It requires different set of processing steps. Production equipment involve in varies production activities. Highly skilled man-power is required.   

Number of machines         -           one/two
Volume                              -           Low to Moderate
Skilled labour                    -           High
Variety                               -           High
Customization                   -           High (catering to clients requirements)


A printing machine shop comprises only one or two machines but it offer different services like printing invitation cards, different types of binding, pamphlets, etc.,

Batch Production Systems

In Batch Production, production is repeated frequently. We call it as standardized job shop. High skill labour required, but not critical. Production depends on demand.

Variety                                          -           Moderate
Volume                                         -           Moderate to High
Skill                                               -           combination of both High and Moderate
Technology                                   -           High to Moderate
Number of Human Resources      -           Moderate to High


1. Pharmaceutical Industries
a)      Crocin
b)      Crocin-Plus
c)      Crocin-cold & flue
d)      Crocin Pain relief

The above all are variants of Crocin, which has standardized process compared to a job shop.

2. Standard software – Anti verses, OS (Windows - 10)

Assembly Line Manufacturing

Assembly line production system is for mass production. A set of steps can be followed in a sequential order in production system. Tools and equipment’s are specially design for the production, low skilled labour/man-power requirement. 

a)      It follows Product layout
b)      They has a dedicated line volume

Variety                    -           Less
Skill                        -           Less
Technology            -           Less
Human Resource  -           Low to Moderate


1. Manufacturing of FMCG goods, they follow assembly line and standardization further increases.

2. Automobile manufacturing   

Continuous Flow Production Systems

Continuous flow involve high automation. It required control through online and continuous monitoring system. Involving high expenses in Shut down and Start-up. High skill level manpower required.

Variety                               -           No variety (Negligible)
Skill                                    -           High
Technology                        -           Moderate to High
Human Resource              -           Low to Moderate


Oil refinery, it has only extraction of oil. The process is highly standardized.

·         Chemical Industry
·         Power generation

Cell Manufacturing

A cell manufacturing/production system is an independent unit. It is like a mini factory within the factory, in which all processes required to make components/complete products can be carried out.

Variety                               -           High
Technology                        -           Moderate to High


A process for a product requires cutting, followed by drilling and finishing, the cell/mini factory would include the equipment/machine for performing those steps, arranged in that order. High variety of production.

Flexible Manufacturing System

Flexible Manufacturing/production system consists of no. of CNC (Computer Numeric Control is the automation of machine tools) machine tools and equipment’s. It brings flexibility to manufacturing. Computer control machines, they can respond to pre-programmed instructions.

a)      It is an extension of batch manufacturing system
b)      Variety- High
c)      Suitable where changes to reactions are unpredictable.
d)      Automation- High


Maruti can switch from producing large batches of one model of car to another model with a different shape and arrangements of sub- assemblies within minutes and multi skilled workers can reconfigure their work stations with required material

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